

Hailing from Trondheim, Norway, PARADOGMATA started out in 2018. The band initially had a kinda Maiden-esque sound, though more extremities got implemented along the way - Thus, the band shifted towards a thrashier, deathier & blacker sound, albeit still maintaining their melodic core. In 2021 the band began working on their debut album, "Endetid", which was released 23/11 2023.
Now the bands' working on songs for their 2nd album, which goes in an even more sinister direction...


L-R: Frank Bøkseth (v)
Per André Haarberg (g)
"Døds"Bo Anders Vist (d)
Svein Håvard Ruøy (b)
Wojciech Ziembora (g, b.v)
Paradogmata 2024

2024 Paradogmata

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